اچ ام ای delta
HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. This means that a person connected to the system via HMI can command or read the information they need. Let me give you an example: we have a device that we want to increase or decrease its production speed or we know the temperature of a point. Naturally, we can not see the temperature through PLC and we need a device to monitor it. It is an HMI device. In fact, the USER or operator through the HMI can command the system, for example, to determine how many cans are produced per hour and also to monitor the information that is needed, such as temperature, pressure, speed and… by monitoring the information if there is a problem with the system The operator understands and can act accordingly. So in general HMI is a graphics panel that is the interface between human and machine. In fact, humans can communicate with the system through this. It also has a very wide range. Your phone screen is also an دلتا hmi . It is through this panel that you cont...